
Are You Current With Your Dues?

Nile Membership Dues Notices are typically mailed out starting in late August/early September for the next year's dues. If you have an email address in our system, the notice will be emailed to you first. Imperial has made this part of the process as a cost saving measure. If you receive the email, please pay your does promptly. This will save money spent on postage.

A hard copy Dues Notice will be mailed out after a couple of weeks if you have not paid your dues yet. Please submit a check made out to Nile Shriners and mailed to 6601 - 244th St SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043. Or you can stop in the office during office hours or call with your credit card information. But did you know that you can pay for your Nile Membership Dues online? And while you are in the database, you can also update your information such as address, email and phone numbers. See Instruction below.

Your Nile Membership Dues are due prior to the first day of the membership year. In other words, if you haven’t paid your 2023 dues already, you are delinquent.

Paying Your Dues Online

Paying your Nile Membership Dues online is a two-step Process. First you will need to register with WebFez. The second step is to actually access your record to pay your dues. If you are all ready registered with WebFez, go to step two.

First Step - Registering with WebFez

The first step, if you haven’t done so already, is to Register with WebFez (the Shriners International membership database).

  • Go

  • Click the Register button on the Login page

  • From the Registration page, choose your Temple from the drop-down list and then type in your Member Number and your first and last names. Your Member Number is on your Dues Card and Notice. If you can't find your Member Number, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 425-774-9611 x213.

  • Click on the Register button. You will be directed to the Create a New Account page. On this page, enter an Email Address and then enter and confirm a Password.

  • Scroll down to read the WebFez User Agreement and Privacy policy. Agree by clicking the checkbox.

  • After the checkbox is selected, click on Register. This will register you for WebFez  access and log you into the system.
Second Step - Paying Your Dues in WebFez

Now you are ready to access the database.

  • If you are not already in WebFez, go to your browser’s address bar and type in or simply click the button below. 

  • Enter your login Email Address and Password in the designated fields.

  • Click Log In.

  • On your General Info page, you should see a Pay My Bill button on the right side. Click this button and you will be redirected to the payments pop-up page.

  • Enter your name as it appears on the credit card, credit card type, credit card number, expiration, CVV code (found on the backside of your card), amount you are paying and any donations that you would like to make.

  • Check the I Agree box and then Submit Payment.

  • If the payment was successful, you will see a message “Complete!” and a receipt will be mailed to the address we have on file for you.

  • Your Dues Sticker should arrive in a week or two and can be placed on your Dues Card.

Did you lose your Membership Card?

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 425-774-9611 x201 and request a replacement.

Automatic Dues Payment Plan

Nobles have the option to set up an automatic dues payment plan in WebFez. By participating in the plan, you will be making monthly or quarterly automatic payments towards your upcoming dues and will be fully paid for that dues year by the October prior to the beginning of the year.

In order to set up the plan, the following conditions must be met:

  • Payments will be made with a credit card that will be securely registered with Electronic Merchant Systems (EMS).

  • You must be paid up for the current dues (2021) to register for the plan.

  • It is preferable to be registered by January 15th of the year prior to the dues year (e.g. sign up by January 15th, 2024 for payments towards the 2024 dues year).

Click here for instructions for setting up your Automatic Dues Payment Plan.




6601 - 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-2:00

We Love Our Kids

Through the generosity of donors like you, we've been able to help more than 1.3 million children reach their potential and lead more fulfilling lives, regardless of the families' ability to pay. Make your gift today to help Shriners Childrens® provide life-changing care to our children who need your help.

#19 Bar & Grill: 425-774-9611 x206
Golf Pro Shop: 425-776-5154 x512
Nile Shrine Center Administrative and Fraternal Offices: 425-774-9611 x 201
Patient Support Information, Shriners Hospitals & patient travel 425-774-9611 x 207
Catering: 425-774-9611, ext. 411
Nile Shrine Membership: 425-774-9611 x 213

Nile Shrine Center
6601 - 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

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